Could a Degree in Human Sexuality be the Discipline You’ve Been Looking for?

Four of our current graduate students in the Master of Human Sexuality program were interviewed by Vice for a recent article regarding the study of sexuality.  It’s not a surprise that Vice journalists turned to our students for insight, as Widener’s Center for Human Sexuality Studies is highly regarded and houses one of the only doctoral programs in human sexuality at a fully accredited university in the US.

Sexuality education has made significant strides in the last several years, especially due to its expanding academic attention.  Professionally, it complements many other disciplines such as: psychology, biology, sociology, engineering, law, allied health, and education.  For this reason, it has wide appeal and growing employment opportunities including positions that have never existed before.  We invite you to read the Vice article for a better understanding of how a degree in Human Sexuality may be the perfect match for you.

Widener offers a number of undergraduate degrees through the Center for Extended Learning that seamlessly leads students toward an MEd or PhD in Human Sexuality.  Our complementing bachelor programs include: Psychology, Allied Health, Liberal Studies, Criminal Justice, Legal Studies, Professional and Applied Studies, and Organizational Development & Leadership.

If you already have your undergraduate degree, you may want to consider Human Sexuality for graduate studies, a discipline you never considered before.  For example, a bachelor’s in criminal justice with an MEd in Human Sexuality is the perfect combination to work with sexual assault victims or sex criminals within the judicial system. In addition, Widener offers Human Sexuality as a dual degree; it is combined with both the MSW and PsyD degree programs.

This article exemplifies that many career possibilities and education options exist in the field of Human Sexuality that were never considered before, and our graduates are pioneering sexologists who take on leadership roles worldwide as clinicians, educators, and sexuality researchers.

It’s not too late to start your undergraduate degree for summer, or too late for graduate admission this coming fall. If you would like more information, please complete this undergraduate online request information form or graduate online form.


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